Ruler of Taurus ~ Venus or Earth?

What’s your take on this? The subject came up again in Diane L’s recent post Observations: Lovely Taurus Season is here! over at Libra Seeking Balance. She has a direct link in the comments section to Philip Sedgewick’s very interesting interpretations of Earth in your chart. Diane and I agree that Earth is the ruler. [Note: the … More Ruler of Taurus ~ Venus or Earth?

Google Earth for Sagittarians

I recently had a conversation with a Sagittarian that went something like this: Sagittarian: Hey, do you know about Google Earth? Me: Yeah. Sagittarian: It’s so cool. I just pick a place on the map and go there. I’ve been to some fantastic places ~ a sweet little farmhouse in Iowa that had these really tall … More Google Earth for Sagittarians