Colleen’s Notes

Tips from a Canadian Moon Gardener
(Thank you, Colleen, wherever you may be.)

Our living comes from growing things because we are farmers, it has always been very important for me to watch the moon and it’s cycles, as I began to get more involved with astrology, it was only understandable to try to understand how the signs fit into the equation. For most it’s really not important but for me, people are truly connected with nature, whether we want to admit this or not, we must watch the cycles.

For gardening and or farming.

The new moon is always the beginning, when the seeds can be planted and begin their cycles. Now is always a good time to plant. Remember you must wait till it is a new moon because a waning moon is the ending of the cycle and nothing will grow properly as it thinks the cycle is over. The new moon is good for vegetable gardens.

The first 1/4 moon is when things begin to grow also called gibbous moon. This presents the challenges of growing things, such as early spring frosts.

The full moon, is when everything is in full light. This is a time for blossoms and for you to see the results of your work. This is when you can see if you have done anything wrong.

The waning moon is not the time to be planting anything. It is the last cycle, meaning the ending of things.

So watch what the moon is doing when you plant.

The signs are important and are related to astrology as you can link what you want to plant to which sign the moon is in. It’s a funny thing about the moon and me since I don’t have really any cancer traits in me, mostly Virgo, but Virgo use to advise people on when to plant and when to harvest.

Earth signs… Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn… plant root crops, or underground crops such as potatoes, carrots, beets.

Air signs… Gemini, Libra, Aquarius… represent flower or pollen… grow anything that pollinates through the air.. a crop would be canola as it flowers.

Fire signs… Aries, Leo, Sagittarius… Seed things.. beginnings… although you must be careful with these dry signs… it’s best to weed during these times.

Water signs… these are the best .. Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces. Grow anything and plant anything. Fertilize during these signs too, and irrigate.

Harvest during Fire signs.

Weed and pest control are done best during the barren signs… Aries, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Sagittarius, Aquarius (this is a good sign for experiments.)

New Moon… plant annuals, things above ground where the seeds are ousted their fruit. Example: cabbage, cauliflower, celery, cress, lettuce.

1st quarter… Continue to plant annuals but with the seed is inside the fruit. Examples: beans, peas, tomatoes, melons, pumpkins.

Full Moon… this is a time for biennials, perennials, bulb plants and root plants. Such as trees, shrubs, berries, beets, carrots, onions, potatoes.

Waning… Don’t plant anything.

Aries Moon… weed, till, and get rid of pests.

Taurus Moon… plant root crops like potatoes. Things with large leafs or leafs on top of ground.

Gemini Moon… Weed, dry airy moon, but can plant melons.

Cancer… Best planting moon. plant root crop or cover crop.

Leo Moon… Barren… weed and get rid of pests.

Virgo Moon… this is the moon in bloom, don’t plant except for things like vines, this moon will produce plants that bloom but don’t bear fruit.

Libra Moon… plant all those flowers, vines, ornamental plants and root plants. Also broccoli and cauliflower.

Scorpio Moon… Excellent moon for planting anything, especially corn, berries and cereal crops such as wheat, barley, oats.

Sagittarius Moon… great moon for fruit trees, or fruit, although planting of trees in general. Other gardening plants won’t do well as it’s more of a harvesting moon.

Capricorn Moon… great for root crops like beets, potatoes, and turnips. Grafting and pruning are great here as well.

Aquarius Moon… Don’t plant! Harvest, weed, and experiment, such as cross-pollination to create new breeds of flowers.

Pisces Moon… Plant anything, especially good for root growth.

Hope this helps some… there is all sorts of info around, at least where I live as our province is not heavily populated so most people are connected with farm life.

Most of the information I have gotten over the years has been from my grandmother. She is known around the world because she cross-pollinated and created new seeds to make new flowers. So all of the lily organizations would know who she is, as she has created numerous new lily breeds or flowers. Lots of the lily’s that are pink in color were created by my grandmother. So if you pick up a lily bulb to plant it could very well have originated from my grandmother. It would take her 7 years to create a new bulb for a new breed of lily… She was of course an Aquarius…

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